Executive Coaching
Executive Leadership- Creating the Problems You Want
Once they are safely sitting in the C-suite, naïve executives often think their troubles are over. No one is going to tell them what to do anymore.
With dozens of years of experience in managing upwards at the highest levels, Carole coaches you and your team on the best strategies in communication and prioritizing, ultimately creating the problems you want. Making sure your constituents clearly understand their role and how it relates to the organization’s success is critical. After all, without followers there is no leader.
Purposeful Development
Your people are your best investment. So why do so many leave after you’ve invested time, training and attention to growing them? Often, it’s not what you’ve provided but how you provide it. Professional development starts with the personal - and that means starting with the purposeful development.
Carole coaches you and your team with an array of techniques that shift your organization from training conferences and team building. By uncovering the greater purposes that employees value, and finding the ways they align with the organization’s purpose, you create the opportunity for an employee to feel fulfilled. Fulfilled employees thrive and perpetuate that cycle and also inspire others to seek that connection as well.
Creating the “Best Places To Work”
During her tenure as President and CEO of Nathan Adelson Hospice, the organization was named one of the 100 “Best Places To Work” in healthcare seven times over a span of ten years.
High-end coffee machines and birthday gift cards won’t make your organization the best place to work (but, of course, they don’t hurt). Commitment and a connection to purpose at all levels is required. Carole helps you uncover the motivational needs of different types of employees through strategies like rounding, that will help connect them to each other and the organization.
In these executive coaching sessions, Carole lays out the tools for using those connections to align with personal and professional excellence, how to set expectations instead of goals and build the foundations and open feedback that makes an organization the Best Place to Work.
Command Performance
The challenges facing the modern organization are endless. An aging workforce, the millennial workforce that demands a different type of job satisfaction, telecommuting, outdated career paths, a digital landscape that changes as fast as the newest app is developed …
Ultimately, many organizations are left with more to manage and less resources to manage with. To stay viable, organizations can no longer define success by the number of coffee mugs they sell or the patient census in a hospital. They have to redefine it by the value they are providing their customers and the community.
The virtuoso leader knows that connecting your workforce to that purpose is the first step in creating a team that will lead from the inside. Carole’s coaching techniques help shift mindsets, challenging the team to set the pace, trust each other and continually stay in a Learning Mode. Before long, high performance will become the only performance.
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
At some point, every organization has to re-assess. Has the market changed? Has the organization’s mission drifted? Is it time for a corporate remodel or a floor-to-ceiling renovation?
As a leader who took the reins of a thriving organization just before the recession hit, Carole has felt first-hand the pain and ultimate triumph of reinvention. She evolved innovative strategies to taking the organization from a place of striving to thriving. Encouraging rising leaders in the company to step more fully into their roles, re-connecting teams and individuals to the hospice’s purpose and even saying “no” to opportunities that seemed to solve immediate problems were the part of her groundbreaking approaches that worked.
From those experiences, she has crafted a coaching session designed to help you assess what your organization needs. No company can afford to shut down while change happens and Carole shows how to prioritize the critical steps while maintaining your current workflow.