National Social Impact Leader and Host of The Girlfriends Podcast

Introducing Carole Fisher


The impassioned social impact advocate and leader on a mission to help people discover profound meaning and value within their distinct identities.

Carole guides audiences with profound insights, thought-provoking ideas, and helpful ways of understanding the inner workings of navigating life’s daily challenges.

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Comprehending Internalized Shame.

Understanding The Voice in Our Heads That Defines Our Self-Narrative.


Giving Up on the Person Others Want Us to Be.


Hello… I’m Carole Fisher.

From my roots as a social worker to now serving as president of a national hospice advocacy group in Washington D.C., my journey has been one of transformation and resilience. Perhaps you know me as the host of the Girlfriends podcast — a platform where I share a personal story of love, loss, and redemption. It's a tale that's taken nearly three decades to share, but my hope is that by sharing it, I can inspire and empower others to find strength in their own struggles.

Drawing from my experiences, I am committed to guiding individuals and organizations to unlock their full potential, empowering them to embrace their narratives and carve out impactful, purpose-driven paths forward.

  • My journey began in the hustle of fast food kitchens, where measured portions and strict grilling times were the norm. But deep down, I yearned for something more meaningful. Shouldn't our work, which fills so much of our lives, hold greater significance than repetitive tasks? With a background in social work, I ventured into healthcare, drawn to leadership roles in both corporate and non-profit settings.

    The turning point came when I assumed the role of President and CEO at Southern Nevada's oldest and largest nonprofit hospice. In a place where life's journey often comes to its close, I found my purpose. My leadership isn't just about running an organization; it's about inspiring others to infuse meaning into their work and lives. With humor, passion, and a wealth of experience, I help individuals and organizations alike understand the importance of infusing meaning into their work and lives.


I’m a Global Ambassador for NO MORE.

A global nonprofit running the charge to end domestic and sexual violence.

I’m proud to serve as the FIRST Global Ambassador, a role where I amplify and champion NO MORE’s life-changing work.


Visit to learn more.

 Let’s Connect on Social.

Your stories and experiences matter, and I want to hear from you.

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