The Girlfriends Podcast


Embarking on my Podcasting Journey

My podcasting career all started in early 2023 when Novel Podcasts approached me. They presented me with the idea of narrating a podcast about my ex-boyfriend Bob. Initially, I hesitated, unsure if delving into my personal life so publicly was something I was ready to embrace. I began to contemplate the potential benefits of sharing my story. Perhaps by opening up about my experiences, others could find solace or relate to the challenges I had faced and possibly inspire other women to stand up to adversity. With newfound determination, I decided to take the plunge. I partnered with Novel Podcasts, driven by the desire to explore the nuances of Bob’s twisted relationships, the lessons they teach us, and the growth they inspire in all of us. As the podcasting journey progressed, I dove headfirst into research, honing my storytelling skills, and learning the art of captivating audiences through audio.
The podcast launch was met with an overwhelming response. The sense of validation and solidarity that ensued was beyond anything I had anticipated.
My journey as a podcaster underwent an unexpected transformation and it’s not stopping there! I’m excited about the possibility of new opportunities in the podcast/audio-narrating world.